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California Man’s Business is crippled.

May 25, 2012

To whom it may concern :

My name is [redacted], I am the owner of a dry cleaning business in Beverly Hills, California.

I met Mr. Dabine Dabine for the first time briefly in 2005 and a second time in 2009 ; both times he came to my place of business.

By doing his dry cleaning and talking about many different subjects during his visits (I have a background in structural engineering and military service, and I have powerful contacts with big names in Beverly Hills), he introduced himself to me as the president of a multibillion dollar international company with hundreds of people working for him and that he had direct access to presidents and prime ministers from Africa to Europe, even President Obama.

He dressed with the most expensive clothes, lived in best hotels, travelled first class and always had a few people around him to treat him like a king. You could not say no to him in anything, especially if you are not in a good financial position and he promises you a job and a very good future with his company. He always had maps and blue prints, pictures and videos, three or four cellular phones, most expensive pens and suitcases – all custom-made.

When you take all that and add an imaginery plan for saving the African continent from misery and hunger, even jobs for europeans and americans, who can say no to anything this man asks ? Good future for you, good future for your family, a prestigeous job, and saving millions of African children from hunger and disease was like a video running in my mind each time I saw him.

Naturally, you would become his supporter, defender, especially with his peaceful face and kind and calm voice.

For more than 2 years, I run for this man day and night ; when he asks me to jump, I say how high? From delivering clothes to his hotel sometimes at 5 am to lending him money that I borrowed from other people, any time within 24 hours of his asking for my financial help. Many times I asked myself, and my own father would ask me : a man in his position, why is he so needy for a few thousand of even a few hundred dollars each time you meet him ? And from Mr. Dabire’s answers, my stupid reasonning was his company is not opened yet, millions of dollars would come to his account soon and obviously you want to give your life for such a powerful man, because you are sure he will remember your sacrifices.

Probably I could write a book from what happened, but this letter is too short to describe my pain, my suffering, for me and my family. My problems started not with just people I borrowed money from even with my personal life, my wife and my children. Obviously from false promises that any day it could happen, I was unable both physically and mentally to properly run my business from spending time with him and for him. And saying no to many other offers for improving my business or doing something else. I cannot put a dollar amount to the dommage that this man caused me and my family. I just hope that he is not a crook, a con man, for I always had respect and trust in this man and it is very painful if he indeed was such an evil man.

To mention just one little example : I was going with him to many car dealerships. Last year when I accompanied him to a Cadillac dealer in Los Angeles – because his English was not good (by the way, he spoke italian, french and a couple of african languages, it was kind of hard for anyone to get to to know his nature and intentions). He asked me in a broken English to order 70 Escalades Cadillac, the car dealer man almost fell off his chair. And the Car dealer man asked him « for sure 70 like in 7-0 » !!!? YEEEESSSS, I said, that’s what « president » is asking.

Another example, through my contacts with an Isreali security company headed by a good friend of mine, he wanted 24-hour-a-day security by armed guards which would cost millions of dollars a year. And my friend who is a very experienced security advisor for big businesses and movie stars would always ask me with humor : « what the hell is Mr. Dabire is doing that he needs so many armed guards 24hours.  Tell him in America, security guards cant carry guns and tanks. We are professionals and have our own methods ».

I really want to cut this letter short, I am sure there many others who have funny and painful stories to tell. I just wish I could meet him one day and let him decide how much dommage and pain he caused me by simply walking into my business and my life.

To Mr. Dabire :

Mr. Dabire, dont forget you used my business and my appartment as your storage room for company documentation and personal items ; this left me hardly any space for myself. Let alone the services you made me render you such personal driver going to and coming back from the airport with crazy hours and each time with 7 to 10 heavy suitcases. Definitely, I am in need of back surgery.

  • I lost a lot of friends I couldnt pay back my debts to because of your many unfulfilled promises to pay.
  • My credit score got negative because of your unpaid bills contracted under my personnal social security number(you used mine, because you do not have one).
  • My business is close to bankrupcy because of your actions.
  • My wife is very angry for all the suffering and shame you have caused us ; and this has created a lot of tension in my marriage.
  • If you are not a crook and con man, you have no understanding of Economics, Finance and Project development and management for building even one apartment not talking about building 3 new countries. Thank God you didnt have a plan for the entire African continent ! You should not carry so many people to ruin. You are like a blackhole that sucks everything around it, rich or poor.
  • I know personnally other people who trusted you and you made their lives miserable too.
  • I hope you realize what you have done purposely or unpurposely and pay back as soon as possible. You must have the courage to assume a title of « president » especially in tough times which only you created.

From → Letters

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